NEW YEAR #2020

“Having a resolution is better than not having at all,
because you’re a step ahead than yourself yesterday”

fireworks gif

Just a few hours before 2020,
some of us may have something to tell ourselves,
some of us may regret something and want to fix it,
some of us may really grateful for something.

But, instead of grieving and punishing yourself,
let’s try to move on…
this one might help you,
you can write this down on your sticky note
and put it on your front door, wall, desk, laptop, or even personal notebook
(write this with black marker in CAPSLOCK!)

I want to thank myself for ….
I want to say thankyou to ….. for …..
In 2019, I realize that I am ….
Thus, in 2020, I HAVE TO …..
(write down your resolutions)

For some of you that can’t even think what your resolution is,
here are some suggestions that you could consider

  1. Hang out with a person you’re most disagree with
    So, I’ve got this suggestion from TED. They said we might have someone that we judge or stereotype negatively because of his/her view, and hanging out with them could lead us to a new thing, or even a new world. However, we need to be curious, conversational, real, and the most important is LISTENING.
  2. Talk to a stranger every week
    This one is also a suggestion from TED, they said that even if it’s just “hello” or “how are you doing today“, could brigthen up your day and make another person feel seen. We might be surprised by the new and unexpected connections we make.
  3. Unfollow useless accounts, follow useful accounts
    Check your Instagram account, check who else have you follow other than your friends? A popstar? An idol? A film?
    Is that account really make a positive impact on your daily basis?
    I’ve been doing this last year, so I search for a keyword of my interest, and I follow accounts related to financial, business, digital marketing, workshops, bookstore, and stocks. In that way, everytime I scroll through the Instagram, I’ll learn something new, and motivated to do something better.
  4. Say thankyou and sorry
    For millenials and Gen-Z, these 2 words have been outdated. We would rarely heard our generation say thankyou and sorry for little things, even big things. This is something that we have to be aware of, in terms of politeness. It is something common, has been taught for years, especially in Asia, and thus it’s somehow becoming a culture, an Asian Culture.
    I think it’s not difficult to say those words, though may be sometimes or too often we put our ego first. The problem here is often ourselves. I found myself really happy and peaceful when I simply said thankyou and sorry to the scavengers, office boy, and security officer. They will smile at you and sometimes give you unexpected responses.
  5. Read at least 2 books per month
    This may be one of our resolutions that we kept repeat for years. But anyway, this one need a commitment throught the year, so we need to find something that keeps motivate us to do it more and more. May be you can write your own reviews and share them on Instagram, so you’ll get various responses and may be even a free book! You could also try to share your review on podcast or Youtube, so that people could hear it while driving.
  6. Watch insightful and inspiring videos every week
    Insightful and inspiring videos like TED, Business Insider, Science Insider, Vox, Najwa Shihab, Improvement Pill, The Economist, Bloomberg, Glints, and The School of Life have gave me many ideas and insight about what’s happening around me. It is really really not boring to watch them every week, I’m addicted, to be honest.
  7. Listen to podcast every week
    I could only find 3 podcast app, and you could try to hear each of them: Inspigo, Spotify, and Anchor fm. Inspigo is available in Bahasa, while the others available in English. I found out that listening to podcast is really useful when I’m doing nothing in the train, driving, or even on weekend.
  8. Go for a walk or jog at least twice a week
    A healthy outside starts from the inside
    this means your daily behavior, daily exercise, what you eat and drink, make you who you are today. If you don’t have time to go jogging, just do a little exercise at home, from skipping, push up, sit up, plank, squat, jumping jack, using dumbbell, or even doing zumba.
  9. Take a positive challenge!
    I found this one really helpful, really motivating me, which is I was randomly dare to hike a mountain, 2565 mdpl (above the sea level). It is called Gunung Prau (Prau Mountain) which I might share the experiences next time, because it’s the first time I go for a hike. I’ve got many lessons only from hiking a mountain, that encourage me to live like was never before.

Well, ready for 2020?


Pic source: Google

Under Pressure

“self control: is it that difficult?”


This November is a pretty hectic month for me,
from doing lab for the research thesis and side project,
creating a video for competition,
preparing for intern presentation,
and blogging.

Feel under pressure? definitely Yes.

pressure here means feeling pursued by deadline, fast-beating heart, worry, adrenaline increasing, and staying up til 2 A.M. for 2 weeks.

But that’s what “a uni student” has to deal with.

As I was moving from one place to another,
I notice that everyone has a various response to a pressure.

One will stay calm, the other will be freaked out,
one will never think too much about it, the other will be overthink
and maybe most of them will procrastinate.

Here in “under pressure”, some of us may tend to lose self-control,
which is really important in doing something under pressure.
It’s pretty difficult to hold temper when we’re stressed out.
The result is we rebuke everybody for doing nothing,
or pulling ourselves from crowd.
We could even think the worst case if we couldn’t fulfill the deadline.

Again, while it is pretty difficult to hold temper,
doesn’t mean you can not.
I have some tips to hold it.
They may not 100% work for you,
as we are a different kind of person, but it will be wrong not to try.

  1. Identify what kind of situation or person increase your temper
    you should know first, what kind of situation you can’t stand with,
    what kind of person annoyed you, what kind of person induced you to lose self-control when you’re under pressure.
  2. Keep in mind: they are not the source of problem
    this may be difficult to do, even though they might contribute in adding pressure, we tend to forget that they are not our main goal; we forget that we have energy to be given to something more important than rebuking people.
  3. Tell them that you are in a hard situation
    this may be worth to try, as they could understand you and your problem,
    so you could support each other;
    maybe spending time together to relieve stress,
    or planning to go somewhere after the deadline,
    or give a little compliment to raise the spirit,
    and who knows they might offering help.
  4. It is (really really) okay to ask for help
    some of us may feel not okay when asking for help,
    we may feel that we should help them someday,
    so we thought that as long as we can do it, we’ll do it alone.
    well, the fact is not everyone would think for a reward,
    but you should know whom you’re going to ask for help.
    embrace yourself that you are a human,
    which is not a God nor a despicable thing,
    so you deserve a help.
  5. Motivate yourself
    you need to keep telling yourself that you are in a hard situation,
    but you don’t have to worry, as surely everything will pass.
    do something that motivates you could also help,
    you may find that watching movies will help you stay motivated.

Below are movies recomm to keep yourself motivated

– Inside Bill’s Brain (2019)
– Overcomer (2019)
– The Founder (2016)
– The Intern (2015)
– The Imitation Game (2014)
– 5 cm (2012)
– Slumdog Millionaire (2008)
– The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)
– Remember the Titans (2000)
– Air Bud (1997)


pic source: Google